Annie Noah
2 min readOct 30, 2022

Solcial: The new phase of social media

With the unfavourable limitations associated with Web2 social media, such as content vulnerability to censorship, a lack of tangible profit, a lack of user data privacy, and so on. A decentralised social media will make it easier to address these issues and give social media users a new face. And SOLCIAL, a crypto-based Web3 social media platform, has a good chance of providing overwhelming benefits that outperform Web2 while also introducing social media users to a new era of limitless possibilities. Here are just a few of the advantages of Solcial.

Ownership: Solcial uses blockchain technology and decentralisation to democratise content creation and eliminate the middleman. Web2 stores, distributes, and benefits from content via social media sites. Solcial, on the other hand, allows users to earn tokens directly for their community participation and activity. These tokens have monetary value and provide users with a sense of ownership over their projects.

Privacy: Your online identity and personal data are under your control thanks to a decentralised identity system. With Solcial, you have more precise control over who can access and what information is online about you. Additionally, you receive a cryptographically secure method to confirm the veracity of the information.

Security: In contrast to today's system, where information can be easily copied or stolen without the user's knowledge, blockchain technology is secure and tamperproof; data cannot be changed or hacked without the interference being detected. However, there may be many unsecured web3 applications, so it is best to use only audited web3 applications.

Opportunity: Solcial is open source, and anyone can build on top of other projects. Web 2.0 worked with limited API access, but Web3 works like Lego blocks, where every part can be interconnected and reused. This is called “composability” This paves the way for leveraging existing projects to create something new, making it easy to generate innovative new projects with real value.

Collaboration: Solcial is based on a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), a new management model that does not require boards or executives. DAOs, on the other hand, operate according to a set of rules written in code and allow an unlimited number of people to participate.

About Solcial

Solcial is a decentralized social network that gives users the power of web3 by allowing people to interact with each other without fearing censorship and allowing content creators to be rewarded fairly at market value.

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